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What Type of Denture Adhesive is the Best?

June 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 6:58 pm

Cream adhesive being applied to a dentureNew technologies and materials allow dentures to fit more comfortably than ever before. A well-fitting denture won’t move around in your mouth when talking, eating, or laughing. Although suction is all that’s needed to keep your teeth in place, sometimes you might want a little more security, like during a speaking engagement. The right denture adhesive can give you the stability you need. Many denture adhesives are on the market, but here’s how to choose the best type for your situation.


No More Scares: How to Manage a Fear of Tooth Extractions

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 9:07 am
A woman receiving a tooth extraction

A tooth removal treatment can seem scary at first, especially if it’s your first one. That’s only natural – having your adult teeth removed sounds like a forceful process. However, you don’t need to let your anxiety hold you back from crucial dental care. The truth is that there are many ways to conquer this dental fear. If you want, your Midlothian dentist will happily outline them. Just read on to discover four great ways to manage a fear of tooth extractions.


Dental Implant Excellence: What Makes Them So Successful?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 6:07 pm
Dentist performing dental implant surgery

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of dentistry, offering a durable and lifelike solution for replacing missing teeth. They also happen to be one of the most successful treatments available with a staggering 95 percent integration rate. But what makes them so good? Continue reading to learn why dental implants are the gold standard in tooth replacement.


Post-Op Prevention: How to Avoid Dry Socket

March 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 3:07 pm
Nose to chin view of forceps grasping patient's tooth for extraction

Many patients get anxious about tooth extractions because they worry that the procedure will be long and agonizing. Fortunately, that’s not usually the case. During your appointment, your dentist will apply a local anesthetic so you don’t experience any discomfort and can offer sedation options for those who are overly anxious. That means you’re not likely to feel much during the removal itself. Afterward, however, it’s important to care for your mouth properly to avoid a painful complication known as dry socket. Keep reading to learn more about this condition and how you can prevent it!


Timely Root Canals: How Long Do They Take?

February 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 7:10 pm
Dentist performing root canal on patient

It’s natural to feel nervous if you’ve just learned that you need a root canal. Many patients get overly anxious because they have questions or aren’t sure what to expect. One common inquiry is about how long the procedure will last. It’s often assumed that this is a long and painful process, but that’s fortunately not the case. Keep reading to learn more about how long it typically takes to get a root canal!


4 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 11:47 pm
calendar with reminder to visit dentist and toothbrush

After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, many individuals find themselves with a moment to unwind. While this period is perfect for catching up on shows, diving into a good book, or simply enjoying some relaxation after months of hosting gatherings, cleaning, and cooking, it’s also an ideal time to book an appointment with your dentist. Keep reading to discover four compelling reasons why scheduling your dental checkup early in the year is beneficial.


The Four Go-To IV Sedation Medications for Dentists

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 4:20 pm
a dentist smiling and holding up four fingers

Most people have heard about nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” for helping them relax while receiving dental care. However, your dentist might be able to offer you something a little stronger if necessary. With more options available today, you may be eligible for solutions such as IV sedation, which can be provided through many forms. Read on to learn about four of the most commonly used drugs for this medication and when it’s best to use them during your dental visit.


How Aging Affects the Appearance of Your Smile

November 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 12:38 am

Happy older woman smilingYou expect to see wrinkles and white hairs as you age, but you may not have expected your smile to show the passing of time. Stains, cracks, and other issues can make you look years older than your true age. You can revitalize your smile with cosmetic dentistry. It is never too late to invest in a youthful smile.


Do You Still Need a Root Canal When the Pain Subsides?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 2:07 pm
A woman with a tooth ache who needs a root canal treatment

Toothaches are as disruptive to your daily life as they are painful. After hours or even days of pain, when the ache suddenly subsides you may feel like it’s time to celebrate. While it’s understandable to feel joy in relief, now is the time to see a dentist. You may need a root canal treatment.

If you want to learn why sudden pain relief may be a sign of something much more serious, continue reading.


What Happens If You Put Off a Root Canal?

September 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 2:11 am

Model of tooth after a root canalLet’s face it, root canals have a bad reputation. Although much of what you’ve heard isn’t true, no one wants to undergo dental work. However, if your dentist recommends root canal therapy, don’t put the procedure off for too long. According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information, 97% of root canals are successful, but if you wait, it may be too late to save your tooth from needing to be removed.


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