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Legacy Dentistry Blog

What is Fluoride, and Why Do People Need It?

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 8:05 am
Someone brushing their teeth

Fluoride, for better or for worse, is one of the most famous aspects of protecting oral health. It plays an important role in supporting enamel, and therefore in staving off tooth decay.

However, lots of people aren’t fully aware of what fluoride actually does, or why it’s in toothpaste, mouthwash, and even drinking water. If you want to learn a little bit more about the role that fluoride plays in your oral health, here’s some information you might find useful.


A Diet for Dental Implants

April 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 5:40 am
graphic demonstrating a dental implant

Dental implants are often celebrated for their durability—studies show that 95% of them succeed at 20 years, and many of them last as long as 30 if you maintain them well.

As you may have guessed from that statistic, caring for your dental implants isn’t all that difficult either, usually involving all the same things you were doing to take care of your natural teeth. However, if you really want you’re them to last as long as possible, a change in your diet may be a good idea. Here are some guidelines for a dental-implant-friendly diet.


Does Dental Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 11:46 pm

Woman benefiting from nitrous oxideIf your palms sweat when it’s time to visit the dentist or you need dental work, sedation dentistry can help you sit back and relax. Sedation is a popular option for people with certain situations, like dental-related anxiety or lengthy treatment plans. Your dentist will determine the best sedative to meet your needs; however, you may have to pay for it out-of-pocket. Not all dental insurance covers sedation dentistry, but there are exceptions. Here’s what you need to know to determine how much you’ll have to pay. 


Are You too Old for Dental Implants?

November 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 5:40 am
An elderly patient getting dental implants

To treat your tooth loss, you may be considering dental implants. After all, these prosthetics are great at restoring all sorts of smiles! However, you might fear you’re too old for the treatment. An aging body can only handle so much, right? In truth, though, implant placement can benefit people of all ages. To prove that fact, your Midlothian dentist is here with the evidence. Read on to learn how implants can help even the oldest patients. 


Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 9:56 pm
plastic model of dental implants

If you’ve talked to any dentist about tooth replacement, you’ve probably gathered that dental implants are one of the best ways to make your smile whole again. They’re durable, offer a strong bite, and prevent the bone loss that can often come with missing teeth.

However, some people are so worried about discomfort associated with dental implant surgery that it drives them away from the treatment altogether. Thankfully, there isn’t all that much to worry about when it comes to pain. Here’s why.


Are Dental Implants Stronger Than Your Enamel?

October 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 10:00 pm
dental implants next to a complete tooth

Dental implants are often hyped up by dentists, and not without good reason. Their connection directly to the jaw gives them a level of strength and security that dentures and bridges simply can’t match. They’re also made of high-quality materials that make them incredibly durable.

With as much praise as dental implants get, you may start to wonder whether they’re even better than your natural teeth. As it turns out, there are some ways in which that might be true. Here’s a guide comparing dental implants to your natural enamel.


Why You Ought to Replace a Missing Back Tooth

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 10:23 am
A man with a missing back tooth

Most people would be eager to replace a lost tooth. After all, the issue can seriously harm a smile’s appearance. However, you might think otherwise if it’s a missing back tooth. Unlike one lost in your mouth’s front, it isn’t noticeable and won’t make you less photogenic. The truth, though, is that you should replace any missing tooth. Failure to do so could lead to serious oral health risks. To learn more, here’s a summary of the risks created by a missing molar and the benefits of replacing it with a dental implant.


6 Non-Dental-Anxiety-Related Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

August 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 3:46 pm
woman receiving the benefits of sedation dentistry in Midlothian

Do you tend to feel stressed or anxious when thinking about visiting the dentist? One of the best solutions for this is sedation dentistry. With this treatment, you’ll be able to breeze through your dental appointment while staying as relaxed as possible. However, there’s more to this therapy than simply calming your nerves. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of sedation dentistry that aren’t related to dental anxiety!


6 Steps to Consider When Handling a Chipped Tooth

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 12:28 pm
woman nursing a chipped tooth in Midlothian

Although your tooth enamel is the hardest material in your body, it doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. One wrong bite or movement can easily lead to a cracked or chipped tooth. Since it won’t regenerate on its own, you’ll have to act fast if you want to save your smile. To avoid feeling overwhelmed in this situation, here are six things you’ll need to do when dealing with a chipped tooth!


Foods and Drinks to Have After Teeth Whitening

July 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacydentistry @ 10:27 pm
bowl of yogurt

Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, a graduation, or a job interview, having white teeth will help you feel more confident in your smile. professional teeth whitening can do just that by lifting years’ worth of stains from your pearly whites. In the first 48 hours after you have your teeth whitened, it’s crucial to make sure that you eat the right foods. Read on to learn about foods and drinks to have after teeth whitening to make your results last.

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